Self Esteem: Can I be open…?

Hey fellow humans…let’s do a quick check-in this week! Today’s topic… the dreaded conversation on self-esteem. I know I am NOT the only one going through it when it comes to negative self-talk and negative thinking about one’s self. Often when we think about self-esteem we think: looks, body shape, hair, nails, and a beat face will make or break our self-esteem. Yeah, that’s a portion of it, but have we talked about the negative self-talk that internally lowers our self-esteem no matter how good we look on the outside?? I want to encourage you to practice being beautiful from the inside out. I'm talking about being authentic to yourself first - looking good and feeling good about yourself! 

Issa game changer.

It’s something we avoid talking about and if we are comfortable enough, disclose to our closest confidants, our biggest fears and negative self-talk. Sometimes we need a cheerleader on our side to push us through… but what about being our own biggest cheerleader? 

Let’s talk…

Now don’t get me wrong, the support from your tribe is definitely needed, appreciated, and celebrated, however, what do you do DAILY to keep your mental in a good space? As someone who continues to practice this daily, one way is to start your day is with gratitude. Starting your day with a grateful mind will put your day on the right track, and build self-esteem and genuine happiness. Another way to challenge yourself and build self-esteem is by looking at yourself and life from a new perspective. This could look like, showing yourself compassion and grace. From a practical perspective: if you are tired, sis just take a nap. It’s ok, you’ll see that the world will keep spinning lol

Just as you show others around you great compassion, it is essential we are able to turn this compassion inward and love on ourselves. 

We've heard the terminology "Self-care" in conversations around mental health so many of us get it.  Self-care does and can look like bubble baths, wine nights, and a night out on the town. But here, we want to refer to "self-care" as a mental decompression, taking care of yourself, getting enough sleep, taking time to do things you want to do, or doing things that make YOU happy. This creates a balance between work life and your life. For those who are juggling jobs and a family, school, budding relationships, or family responsibilities - we get it. It can be hard to manage it all and take care of yourself. But remember this: putting yourself first is a way of loving others well too. Can you see how that works? If you are at your best, you can show up more fully for others too. 

Here at Eunoia, we want our clients to be in the best mental headspace. If you or someone you know needs support taking solid steps to create a life of deeper fulfillment and better self-esteem, give us a call. We’d love to hear from you!